The Only Thing I Can Upgrade is Strength chapter 83

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Over the next few days in Amielas, there were both celebrations and a gradual reduction in population. The hydra boss had been defeated, but that also signalled the end of the hydra hunting season. There would still be a few around, but not nearly enough to support the number of adventurers that had come to Amielas. Fewer adventurers also meant less need for services.

We stayed for about a week. That gave my arm time to recover, and more importantly Alhorn’s ribs. While he could walk with broken ribs, that didn’t mean it was a pleasant process. Socks didn’t really show pain much, but she was less interested in playing for a while.

During that time, I idly asked Alhorn, “How much Toughness do you have anyway?”

Attributes weren’t usually discussed openly. At least, not in detail. While some people liked to brag about their attributes, they would probably gloss over a few. A big strong barbarian wouldn’t be interested in bringing up subpar intelligence, after all. In addition, nobody liked being told they were deficit in training certain areas. People did share such information, but usually not openly. However, among trusted party members such sharing became more common.

After telling me his Toughness, the discussion deepened into the entire party sharing their attributes and skills.

Name: Alhorn Class: Paladin
Level: 13 Attribute Points to Distribute: 0
Base Levels Class/ Magic Items Special Total
Strength 217 +20 +10% +0 +0 260
Dexterity 207 +0 +0% +0 +0 207
Toughness 233 +40 +10% +10 +0 310
Constitution 191 +20 +0% +0 +0 211
Intelligence 134 +15 +0% +0 +0 149
Wisdom 173 +25 +10% +0 +0 217
Willpower 139 +0 +0% +0 +0 139
Focus 117 +10 +0% +0 +0 127
Luck 104 +0 +0% +0 +0 104
Sword Mastery (6)
Bow Mastery (4)
Shield Mastery (5)
Armor Mastery (5)
Dodging Mastery (5)
Awareness (4)
Parrying Mastery (3)
Bash (3)
Barrier (4)
Heal (2)
Light (3)

The first thing that stuck out about Alhorn’s attributes was the base values. Most of them were higher, even Dexterity that I theoretically had an advantage training. However, that was just a result of more time spent training… and possibly being a half-elf. I’d only been in this world for around eight months, so I was still a bit behind. Since I didn’t train in magic, I didn’t really have any chance to train Intelligence or Wisdom. I wasn’t exactly sure what was required for training Willpower, but if it was anything like Toughness it wouldn’t be pleasant.

Name: Kasner Class: Sorcerer
Level: 13 Attribute Points to Distribute: 0
Base Levels Class/ Magic Items Special Total
Strength 53 +0 +0% +0 +0 53
Dexterity 127 +0 +0% +0 +0 127
Toughness 113 +0 +0% +10 +0 123
Constitution 118 +0 +0% +0 +0 118
Intelligence 209 +50 +10% +0 +0 284
Wisdom 203 +50 +10% +0 +0 278
Willpower 156 +0 +0% +0 +0 156
Focus 197 +30 +10% +0 +0 249
Luck 118 +0 +0% +0 +0 118
Ice Mastery (7)
Lightning Mastery (6)
Rapid Casting (4)
Dodging Mastery (3)
Awareness (2)
Lightning Resistance (4)
Ice Bolt (6)
Lightning Bolt (3)
Chain Lightning (5)

From Kasner I learned that magic can be used without a skill. For example, when he removed the ice created by goblin mages and when he froze the hydra’s necks in a large block of ice. Once magic was formalized into a skill, however, it gained increased efficiency not just from the relevant mastery skills but also the skill.

“I never see you practicing ice magic,” I commented.

“Oh, I don’t practice ice magic anymore,” he replied.

“Why is ice mastery higher than lighting mastery then?”

“Oh, I used to practice ice magic- before I really took up adventuring, but then it hit me.”

“… What did?”

“A bolt of lightning. During a duel. It hit the other guy too, but I was about to lose and the lightning bolt took him out but not me. That’s how I knew.”

“Hmm.” I understood the idea, but if he was already that high in ice magic… well, I’d seen him use it to great effect when he did. Maybe he was some sort of ice magic genius? He certainly wasn’t poor with lightning, but since he hadn’t practiced ice magic in at least a year and still had a higher mastery… Well, I’d try to bring it up again later.

Name: Halette Class: Beast Tamer
Level: 13 Attribute Points to Distribute: 0
Base Levels Class/ Magic Items Special Total
Strength 212 +40 +10% +0 +0 277
Dexterity 218 +50 +10% +0 +0 294
Toughness 160 +0 +0% +10 +0 170
Constitution 166 +0 +0% +0 +0 166
Intelligence 99 +0 +0% +0 +0 99
Wisdom 106 +0 +0% +0 +0 106
Willpower 115 +0 +0% +0 +0 115
Focus 201 +40 +10% +0 +0 265
Luck 105 +0 +0% +0 +0 105
Bow Mastery (7)
Armor Mastery (2)
Dagger Mastery (3)
Dodging Mastery (5)
Awareness (6)
Trap Knowledge (4)
Tame (5)
Rapid Shot (5)
Piercing Shot (4)

Halette’s Strength surprised me- but perhaps it shouldn’t have. After all, using a bow required Strength. Halette could theoretically fight in melee, but bow skills were apparently better suited to the beast tamer class. Well, I could certainly see how that would work out… especially with Socks.

Name: Socks Species: Wolf
Base Class/Magic Items Special Total
Strength 344 +10% +0 +0 378
Dexterity 398 +10% +0 +0 437
Toughness 328 +10% +10 +0 370
Constitution 318 +0% +0 +0 318
Intelligence 57 +0% +0 +0 57
Wisdom 45 +0% +0 +0 45
Willpower 106 +0% +0 +0 106
Focus 69 +0% +0 +0 69
Luck 114 +0% +0 +0 114
Dodging Mastery (5)
Jumping Mastery (4)
Awareness (7)
Bite (3)

From Socks- or actually from Halette talking about Socks- I learned that animals didn’t get levels or bonus points. They did, however, get a class bonus from the beast tamer which went along nicely with very high base attributes.. Also, apparently Bite was an active skill. Socks couldn’t use active skills much- a low mana pool from low Focus and a low efficiency and power from low Wisdom and Intelligence prevented that. On the other hand, it seemed Socks was within human intelligence levels- though only comparable to those well below the average. Still, she was quite smart for an animal- though I already knew that.

Name: Kantrilla Class: Cleric
Level: 13 Attribute Points to Distribute: 10
Base Levels Class/ Magic Items Special Total
Strength 101 +0 +0% +0 +0 101
Dexterity 95 +0 +0% +0 +0 95
Toughness 154 +0 +0% +20 +0 174
Constitution 166 +0 +0% +0 +0 166
Intelligence 205 +30 +0% +0 +0 235
Wisdom 239 +30 +10% +0 +0 295
Willpower 157 +30 +10% +0 +0 205
Focus 205 +30 +10% +0 +0 258
Luck 476 +0 +0% +0 +0 476
Blessing of Luck
Holy Magic Mastery (6)
Shield Mastery (3)
Armor Mastery (1)
Dodging Mastery (3)
Mace Mastery (1)
Awareness (1)
Heal (6)
Bless (5)
Cure (4)
Barrier (5)

Kantrilla… had Luck. She had other things too, but her Luck was ridiculous. Apparently it rose on its own a couple times per month- for her entire life. If there were any real ways to train it, it would be hard to imagine how high it would be. Also… her Dexterity had been even lower before she put in the effort to train it.

As for myself… I still had Strength, and far, far too many different weapons I trained in. That was part of the Martial Apprentice class though.

Name: Llyr Merrick Class: Martial Apprentice
Level: 13 Attribute Points to Distribute: 0
Base Levels Class/ Magic Items Special Total
Strength 346 +230 +10% +0 +10% 696 (+60)
Dexterity 189 +0 +10% +0 +0 207 (+30)
Toughness 150 +0 +0% +10 +0 160 (+7)
Constitution 175 +0 +0% +0 +0 175 (+3)
Intelligence 105 +0 +0% +0 +0 105
Wisdom 105 +0 +0% +0 +0 105
Willpower 141 +0 +0% +0 +0 141
Focus 177 +0 +10% +0 +0 194 (+24)
Luck 98 +0 +0% +0 +0 98
All In (Strength)
Club Mastery (4)
Dodging Mastery (4)
Melee Weapon Mastery (5)
Halberd Mastery (2)
Awareness (3)
Bow Mastery (4)
Sling Mastery (2)
Ranged Weapon Mastery (4)
Warhammer Mastery (2)
Armor Mastery (2)
Mace Mastery (3)
Striking Mastery (1)
Grappling Mastery (2)
Sword Mastery (2)
Parrying Mastery (1)
Shield Mastery (2)
Glaive Mastery (3)
Spear Mastery (4)
Bash (5)
Analyze Strength (4)
Martial Trance (5)
Whirlwind Attack (4)
Piercing Spear (3)

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5 Replies to “The Only Thing I Can Upgrade is Strength chapter 83”

  1. most of the team with stats less than 300 and then there is socks with his 300+ stats, kantrilla with 476 luck, and the greatest outlier of all time…. llyr with 696 strength.

    surprised kasner just started over on his magic training though

    1. He literally got struck by lightning. It was destiny ?

  2. The Total numbers of Sock’s Intelligence and Wisdom are incorrect.
    The Total numbers of Kantrilla’s Focus should be 258(,5), not 265.

    At least now we know how different the Llyr’s status are from others (the difference is less than I expected, curious). And Llyr’s Luck is the worst of the party (Ha!).

  3. Out of curiosity, how much does Llyr weigh? Does increasing Strength increase the weight his? And how high can he jump, if he stands on firm ground?

    1. Probably around 150 lbs. The answer of Strength increasing his weight is… ‘yes’. Base Strength provides muscle mass, but bonus points, items, and such do not count. (Endurance and Toughness would also have their own effects on weight)

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